About Us
Turtle Care Volunteers Queensland Inc is an incorporated association established for the purpose of fostering conservation through study and enjoyment of turtles.
Through this organisation we have the power to raise funds to further the study that operates in conjunction with the Turtle Research Program, centered around the Mon Repos Rookery, which is part of the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.

The programme at Wreck Rock
The programme at Wreck Rock is operated by volunteers who spend all night patrolling the 22 km beach, tagging adult turtles, monitoring their nesting and the hatching of new born turtles and trying to keep the ever increasing number of foxes and goannas from destroying the nests during the 8 week incubation period.
A special feature of this beach is that 4 species of Turtles have been recorded nesting here, quite a rarity. Loggerheads, Greens and Flatbacks frequent this area and other locations along the Queensland Coast and Barrier Reef Islands. The area is the only significant nesting site in Australia where the huge rare Leatherback Turtle has been recorded in any significant numbers.
Help Us Help Turtles
It has become increasingly difficult to fund this programme in recent years as government funds are becoming scarcer and are allocated to new projects rather than those which continue, without huge visible benefits, for a great many years.
The Association
In 2003 this Association was formed as a means of raising funds directly for the work done on this beach. On the 12/12/2022 this Association was accepted as a Charitable Organisation and as such donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.
Membership of the Association is available at $ 10.00 per person or a special family rate of $ 25.00 (=2 parents + children to age 18 years) and we intend raising money by public donations, sale of promotional items, and applications to philanthropic bodies.
How can you help?
You could help by becoming a member, and/or purchase one of our promotional items on sale at our office or Research Base or make a donation.